Bride & Maids In Habesha Kemis Traditional Attire for Melse

Bride & Maids In Habesha Kemis Traditional Attire for Melse

The habesha kemis is the traditional attire of Habesha women.  The ankle length dress is usually worn by Ethiopian and Eritrean women at formal events and weddings. But it comes in many forms nowadays. It is made of cotton fabric, and typically comes in white, grey or beige shades. Many women also wrap a shawl…

Beautiful Multi Coloured Habesha Kemis Traditional Attire #Ethiopia

Beautiful Multi Coloured Habesha Kemis Traditional Attire #Ethiopia

The habesha kemis is the traditional attire of Habesha women.  The ankle length dress is usually worn by Ethiopian and Eritrean women at formal events. But it comes in many forms nowadays. It is made of cotton fabric, and typically comes in white, grey or beige shades. Many women also wrap a shawl called a…