Chilanga Mulilo Food list

Chilanga Mulilo Food list

What food items to buy for a Chilanga Mulilo  Chicken  Sweet potatoes  Bush meat  Meat  Fresh fish  Dry fish  Dried kapenta  Chikanda Cassava  Beans  Mealie meal  Pumkin leaves  Cassava leaves  Beans leaves  Dried mushrooms  Crate of drinks  dried okra  Tomatoes  Onion  Pumpkin seeds  Charcoal  Sampo  Sweet potatoes  Cooking oil  Crate of beer  Transport from cooking…

What is the Difference between the Chilanga Mulilo and Matebeto? 

What is the Difference between the Chilanga Mulilo and Matebeto? 

When highlighting the Zambian Wedding stages, many seem to mix up the Chilanga Mulilo and Matebeto ceremonies. Let me clarify this confusion: The first difference between these ceremonies be is that the Chilanga Mulilo is done before the wedding, while the Matebeto is done after the couple have been married. The Chilanga Mulilo be is…