Makoti In Zulu Traditional Wedding Attire For Umembeso

Bride in Imvunulo traditional attire.
Need tips for finding the appropriate style of dress for your traditional wedding? Follow this guide and learn how to pick out the dress that will make you look and feel amazing!
This beautiful bride got it right with this traditional Ndebele inspired wedding dress with big bow. Lovely!
African weddings are extremely colourful, from Southern Africa, East Africa and West Africa…Bridesmaids, groomsmen, friends and family, guests add colour to the event with their various stylish attires. Here are a collection of Ndebele bridal squads, Xhosa squads, Venda Squads, Tsonga and Sepedi Bridal Squads, Rwandan bridal and groom squads, Herero squads, Hausa Squads, Ghanaian…
Zulu bride looking gorgeous for her traditional Umembeso ceremony.