Beautiful Zulu Traditional Attire For Male and Female

Lungelo looks gorgeous in her Zulu Isicholo Hat, beaded belt and black patterned skirt.
Man in ibheshu traditional attire.
Pinky Evodia looking gorgeous in her modern sotho traditional outfit.
The Namibian beauty in a perfect blend of culture and style. Nice shoes too!
Umemulo celebrant in blue patterned skirt, beaded apron, leopard skin bib and head band. Maidens in yellow Zulu skirts and beaded accessories.
Xhosa bridesmaids in white sleeveless umbhaco dresses with black embroidery.
Bride in beautiful Sepedi sleeveless wedding dress, and groom in modern Pedi print shirt.
Beautiful Tsonga print wedding dress with blue net top and white tulle bottom.