Beef Samosa Recipe

Ingredients :

250gm Beef (cooked with salt and Turmeric after just crush it)

1 chopped Onion

5 minced Green chillies

2 tbsp minced ginger

1 tbsp chopped Curry leaves

1/4 tsp Garam masala

1/4 tsp Black Pepper powder

Salt to taste

Corriander leaves chopped

1/4 tsp Turmeric powder

Oil for frying

Samosa sheet (here I’m using samosa sheet bought from the shop)

If you don’t like to buy from shop:

How to Prepare the Samosa Dough

Take a bowl add 1 cup refined flour, salt to taste and 1 tbsp of oil also add water mix together and make a dough.

Keep in a tight container for 20 minutes its helps to soften the dough.

After 20 minutes divide the dough in to small balls.

Sprinkle some refined flour on the top of rolling board, and dip the ball in the flour then roll with the help of rolling pin.

Make a thin sheet, cut 4 sides like rectangle shape, store in plastic bag and keep refrigerator , you can use when you like to make samosa).

Method of preparation :

Step 1

Heat pan add 3 tbsp of oil, onion, ginger and green chillies saute for 5 minutes

Then add Turmeric powder, salt, beef, saute for a minute

Finally add garam masala, black pepper powder and curry leaves, coriander leaves mix well then flame off.

Step 2

Fill the masala in to each samosa sheet and fold the samosa in triangular shapes.

Step 3

Heat oil and fry each samosa, serve hot with tomato ketchup.

Recipe by Hasi’s Flavours

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