Sleeveless Yellow Mermaid Dress With Ndebele Print Detail and Accessories

Modern Ndebele dress, gold neck ring, Ndebele hoop, beaded stick and headdress.
Beautiful Venda clothes and culture.
Umemulo ceremony, is the coming of age of a young girl to womanhood. And this happens when she turns 21. There are certain rituals that come with this event, but the final day comes with a lot of dancing and fanfare.
Beautiful Zulu beaded accessories: beaded earrings, cape and bogus beaded bangle.
Lovely style idea for your engagement, wedding or just family outing. Glam your traditional fabric and stand out.
Umbhaco one arm cloth with skirt, beaded head band, beaded stick and long Xhosa traditional tie. Swati bride in red Emahiya attire and neckpiece.