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The Difference Between Umembeso and Lobola Ceremony

What is Umembeso Ceremony?

Sometimes it’s difficult for people to distinguish between lobola and umembeso ceremonies. Even though they are performed on the same day, the activities of both vary and serve different purposes.


Umembeso is a Zulu traditional ceremony that is part of the lobola negotiations where the groom presents gifts to the bride’s parents and family before the wedding.


What is Lobola?

While Lobola can most easily be described as a ‘bride price,’ something with a specific monetary value attached to it.


What is needed for Umembeso?

Again, umembeso or izbizo, is focused more on the bride’s mother. In this ceremony, the grooms family particularly appreciates the bride’s mother.


They present gifts to the bride’s mother, thanking her for raising her daughter, the ‘soon-to-be wife’ very well.


A list of the gifts and their recipients would have already been given  to the groom’s family ahead of time.

Gifts on the list usually include:






Straw mats

A live goat

Sheep or both.


What Happens During Umembeso?

The groom’s family will then write to the bride’s family to inform them on the day they would like to come for the umembeso.


When the groom’s family arrives they are greeted with singing and dancing at the entrance to the bride’s family home.


Both families compete with different songs, while the groom’s family requests permission to enter the compound by announcing that they have come with gifts.


The Umembeso ceremony not only involves singing but also involves dancing and the slaughtering of animals.


So a goat is prepared by the bride’s family as a way of welcoming the groom’s family to their home. Sometimes gifts are also given to the groom’s family.


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