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How Do You Fix Hair Breakage?

3 Likely Reasons You Are Experiencing Hair Breakage


1. You May Not Be Eating Enough Protein 

You are what you eat, so if you want healthy, strong and shiny hair then you need to scrutinise what you eat.

Eating the right foods will help supply your hair with the needed vitamins and minerals.

Chicken, turkey, fish, eggs, beans and nuts are rich in protein which help to prevent your hair from breaking as a result of being weak, dry and brittle.


2. You May be Overprocessing your Hair.

Sometimes we just bother our hair with too many processes; colouring bleaching, hot curlers, when you have to go under the hair dryer (thermal styling), relaxing your hair more often than necessary…So your hair may just have had it.

Cut down on the adventure and stick to one process at a time (if you can help it); relaxing your hair and going on to colour it is akin to “going fishing”.

And if you are into the processing highlighted above give your hair a deep conditioning treatment twice a month.


3. You May be Using the Wrong Hair Products

Black hair contains less moisture and breaks more easily than other hair types so you need to be careful about the hair products you use.

Products with petroleum or petrolatum are heavy on the hair and actually suffocate black hair.

Look out for heat shielding and hydrating products that contain silicone.

Avoid products that “add body” because they actually strip the hair of its moisture and oil


Photo: Protective Hairstyle.

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