Swati Girl In Red Emahiya Traditional Attire and Necklace For Reed Dance Festival 2019

Little girl swag. Nice!?
What is Knocking Ceremony? When you talk of colour, and the beauty of tradition and culture, then you must attend a traditional wedding ceremony in Ghana. The Ghanaian traditional wedding is an important ceremony for all Ghanaians who intend to get married. Some couples even do this alone because of its importance in…
Beautiful earrings and neck beads at the umhlanga ceremony.
The Onitsha Ofala festival has been going on for about 700 years now, since time of Eze Chima, the first monarch, who migrated to Onitsha. In the early days, the King of Onitsha (Obi of Onitsha) was always confined to his palace. The responsibility of administering the community was assigned to the elders, known as…
Interestingly, traditional marriages in Nigeria, are very similar in procedure from ethnicity to ethnicity. From family visits, to gifts, negotiations, fanfare et al. And the Yoruba traditional marriage or engagement isn’t an exception. In this article, we are going to comprehensively look into all the stages and its activities. Stage 1: The Introduction The families…
Across Africa, traditional weddings are part of the culture, as this is the way the people of the continent knew to get married before the church or white wedding was introduced to them. It is indeed a legitimate form of marriage. Africa, though one big continent, every country has its unique way or method of…
Beautiful Tsonga traditional attire!?