8 South African Celebrities in African Inspired Styles

8 South African Celebrities in African Inspired Styles

Celebrity fashion and trends have always had a big impact on how people dress. Celebrities from Africa have a history of creating trends that the general populace later adopts. Social media has greatly increased the market for clothing with celebrity-inspired designs. Celebrity fashion is the term used to describe the most popular styles that these…

Sights and Sounds: Phindile Gwala’s Heritage Day Dance

Sights and Sounds: Phindile Gwala’s Heritage Day Dance

“Imbewu, the Seed” actress, Phidile Gwala was spotted doing the “Indlamu” dance. The Indlamu is a traditional dance performed by the Zulus in South Africa and their Ndebele cousins in Zimbabwe.The popular characteristic of the dance involves the dancers lifting a foot over their head and bringing it down sharply, to the beat of the…