3 Cups Samp
1 tspn Turmeric
1 Sachet Cream of Mushroom Soup
1 Sachet Three Cheese Sauce
1 Tbsp Aromat
1 tspn Onion Powder
Two Heaped Tbsp Cremora
1 Cup Fresh Cream
2 Tbsp Rama
Sliced mushrooms (10 heads)
2L Water
1. Rinse Samp then cover with water and cook over medium heat till soft (+-2hours), adding water and stirring occasionally.
2. Add turmeric, aromat, onion powder. Once samp has evenly changed color…
3. Mix three cheese, cream of mushroom and cremora with cream then pour over samp.
4. Add rama and sliced mushrooms then simmer for 30minutes, turning occasionally.
Cabbage Recipe
Half Medium Cabbage Chopped
1 Medium Onion Chopped
One large carrot grated
1 Tbsp Crushed Garlic
10ml Olive Oil
Aromat for seasoning
1. Heat oil over medium to high heat
2. Add garlic and cabbage, stir to avoid burning
3. Add carrots and aromat
4. Keep stirring till soft +- 5minutes.
Recipe by Tees Cooking Addiction